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Writer's pictureAmos Ravid

Nature First

I am proud and happy to be a member of Nature First - The Alliance for Responsible Nature Photography

When I first found about Nature First's activities, I joined immediately and without hesitation. As a landscape photographer preserving ​​nature values is obvious. I even point out in my bio that by spreading its beauty, photography is my humble contribution to nature conservation.

But we photographers are also sinners at times. Would it be by mistake or due to lack of knowledge or awareness. And let's face it, sometimes also because of an uncontrollable desire for a good photograph. Nature First alliance is just the right thing for us. It is based on seven simple principles. The best part of it is that it is so easy to follow and apply. All it takes is a little awareness and attention.

  1. Prioritize the well-being of nature over photography.

  2. Educate yourself about the places you photograph.

  3. Reflect on the possible impact of your actions.

  4. Use discretion if sharing locations.

  5. Know and follow rules and regulations.

  6. Always follow Leave No Trace principles and strive to leave places better than you found them.

  7. Actively promote and educate others about these principles

For more details and joining click on the link to the organization's website here.

Keep Nature

1 Comment

Feb 14, 2021

עמוס, נהנתי מאד להחשף לאתרך,היחיד והמיוחד. תמונות מדהימות, הסברים מלמדים על אתריך ושיטותיך, תורמים רבות להבנתך ולשיפור יכולות ה"קוראים". מאחל לך שתזכה להמשיך לטייל ולהפליא בצילומיך, ולהרשים את צופיך. ראובן גרסטל.

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